Thursday, March 6, 2014

20% Proj. 6 Blog Reflections: Number 3

           Along with using sources found on the Internet, I have also used various social media sites to find information on my topic of the use of the iPad in the classroom or Speech Pathology setting. I find that ads come up on my Facebook for certain apps. I have found several apps through following Speech Therapists on Twitter as well as Speech Therapy boards on Pinterest. Some of the links on Twitter lead to blogs of Speech Pathologists and how they work with their patients. The iPad has so many functions that people do not realize. I follow Twitter accounts that give me information on my topic, and some of the account users have followed be back, too. I have been commenting on my partner’s blogs, and she has been commenting on mine, as well. The feedback we give each other has helped me with the 20% Project by providing commentary and feedback on the ideas I have had so far. These have been helpful in keeping my ideas on track. Although we do not have the same topic, our feedback is helpful. Most importantly, my research has led me to find that the iPad has features on it that let therapists better connect and interact with his or her patients. In my previous reflection, I listed some of the specific apps, which have proven to help with collaboration—a key factor in improving.  Whether it is verbal or visual training, the iPad helps with an array of skills.  These skills have proven to be effective in the therapy setting.


  1. I really like that you have found someone to discuss this with. Having a partner can be very helpful, especially in a large project like this one.

  2. I love your idea of incorporating social media into your 20% design project. Good job!
